- 1ddcb
Raven Kwok
- 9 Ways to Draw a Person
Sasha Svirsky
- A Love Letter to the One I Made Up
Rachel Gutgarts
- A Plan Implies an Architect
Sarah Hickey
- Adam
Evelyn Jane Ross
- Alternative Walk
Ivan Maximov
- Amalimbo
Juan Pablo Libossart
- Analogue Loaders
Raphael Vangelis
- Ant
Julia Ocker
- Aport
Denis Voronin
- Armor del Amor
- Astronaut of Featherweight
Dalibor Baric
- At The Drive In: Hostage Stamps
Rob Shaw
- Attila
Bruce Bickford
- Auto
Conner Griffith
- Awaker
Filip Diviak
- Barber’s Cut
Ediz Anavi
- Beautiful Like Elsewhere
Elise Simard
- Beside Oneself
Karolina Specht
- Bike Trip
Tom Schroeder
- Blind Eyes
Yifan Hu
- Border
Fabián Guamaní Aldaz
- Born in a Void
Alex Grigg
- Burn Out
Cécile Carre
- Can You Do It
Quentin Baillieux
- Casse-croûte
Burcu & Geoffrey
- Cavemans
Joe Carroll
- Contact
Alessandro Novelli
- Cop Dog
Bill Plympton
- Cops & Robbers
Florian Maubach
- Corner
Lucija Mrzljak
- Count Your Curses
Lorène Yavo
- Creature from the Lake
Renata Antunez, Alexis Bédué, Léa Bresciani, Amandine Canville, Maria Castro Rodriguez, Logan Cluber, Nicolas Grangeaud, Capucine Rahmoun-Swierczynski, Victor Rouxel, Orianne Siccardi, Mallaury Simoes
- Cubed
Xue En Ge
- Dark Dark Woods
The Animation Workshop BAC 13
- Dead Reckoning
Paul Wenninger, Susan Young
- Death of a Father
Somnath Pal
- Debut
Katarzyna Kijek
- Decorado
Alberto Vazquez
- Deskercise
Foreign Fauna
- Deuspi
- Dinner Without Joe
Domino Macherel, Zéa Schaad
- disillusionment of ten point font
Greg Condon
- Divided by Blue
Eric Ko
- Doll’s Letters
Natalia Grofpel
- Dolls Don’t Cry
Frédérick Tremblay
- Dolly.Zero
Ugo Bienvenu
- Double King
Felix Colgrave
- Elsewhere
Junyi Xiao
- Enough
Anna Mantzaris
- Fags
Alexis Vandersmissen
- Farewell
Leon Vidmar
- Feedback
Filip Javora
- Fired Up
Dan Fipphen, Elyse Kelly
- Framed
Marco Jemolo
- Galaxy Girl
Richard Grover
- Good Night, Everybuds!
Benedikt Hummel
- Gorgon
Miklos Felvideki
- GP-to
Maxime Gental, Catherine Lardé, Edwin Leeds, Pulkita Mathur, Zoé Pelegrin-Bomel, Jonathan Valette
- Grandpa Walrus
Lucrèce Andreae
- Half a Life
Tamara Shogaolu
- Hate for Sale
Anna Eijsbouts
- Heads Together
Job, Joris & Marieke
- Heart Chakra
Angela Stempel
- Hi Stranger
Kirsten Lepore
- Home
Aliona Baranova
- Hot Tea
Marcel Tigchelaar
- How’s Your Prostate?
Jeanne Paturle, Cécile Rousset
- I Don’t Feel Anything Anymore
Noémie Marsily, Carl Roosens
- I Want to Live in the Zoo
Evgenia Golubeva
- If You Fall
Tisha Deb Pillai
- In a Heartbeat
Esteban Bravo, Beth David
- In a Nutshell
Fabio Friedli
- In the Beginning Was the Sea
Charlotte Arene
- Island
Robert Löbel, Max Mörtl
- Kali Mata
Pierre Le Couviour, Privat Fontaine, Amine El Ouarti, Kevin Roualland
- La Costa Dorada
Noémi Gruner
- La Nuit Je Danse avec la Mort (The Night I Dance with Death)
Vincent Gibaud
- Late Afternoon
Louise Bagnall
- Late Night
Kodai Yanagawa
- Laymun
Catherine Prowse, Hannah Quinn
- LEGO Adventure in the City
Rogier Wieland
- Link
Robert Löbel
- Little Donnie
Chel White
- Locus
Anita Kwiatkowska-Naqvi
- Lovestreams
Sean Buckelew
- Mamoon
Ben Steer, Blue Zoo Animation
- McDonough Quickies #5
Kyle Stephens
- Mehua
Camille Aigloz, Simon Anding, Michiru Baudet, Margo Roquelaure, Diane Tran Duc, Lucy Vallin Holmes
- Memo
Julien Becquer, Éléna Dupressoir, Jules Durand, Viviane Guimarães, Inès Scheiber
- Metronome
Anna Leterq
- Mind Frame
Jake Fried
- Ming
Danski Tang
- Mm-hmm
Martha Halliday, Hannah McNally
- Moczarski’s Case
Tomasz Siwinski
- Motion Pictures
Matthew Incontri
- Mr. Night Has a Day Off
Ignas Meilunas
- My Brother
Audrey Yeo
- My Yiddish Papi
Éléonore Goldberg
- Nana
Ali Kellner
- Negative Space
Ru Kuwahata, Max Porter
- Nevada
Emily Ann Hoffman
- Night Witches
The Animation Workshop BAC 13
- Nocturne
Anne Breymann
- (Notes On) Biology
Danny Madden, Ornana Films
- Oh Mother!
Paulina Ziolkowska
- Once in the Fields of Boredom
Teele Strauss
- Overrun
Jérémie Cottard, Antonin Derory, Matthieu Druaud, Pierre Ropars, Diane Thirault, Adrien Zumbihl
- Parfum Fraise (Strawberry Flavor)
Alix Arrault, Martin Hurmane, Jules Rigolle, Samuel Klughertz
- Persistence of Vision III
Ismael Sanz-Pena
- Pheromone
Helmut Breineder, Michelle Martins
- Pieces
Ninon Bernard, Julie Chea
- Poles Apart
Paloma Baeza
- Popsicle
Tzu-Hsin Yang
- Portlandia Squirrel
Rob Shaw
- Power
Dana Sink
- Projection on Sofa
Violette Delvoye
- Quand j’ai remplacé Camille (When I Replaced Camille)
Rémy Clarke, Leïla Courtillon, Nathan Otaño
- Rabbit’s Blood
Sarina Nihei
- Ragnarok
Johan & Urte Oettinger
Frank Ternier
- Ronald Jenkees: Quest for the Jam
Xilia Faye, Ben Luce
- Running Lights
Gediminas Siaulys
- saVer
Simon Gerbaud
- Scrambled
Bastiaan Schravendeel
- Second to None
Vincent Gallagher
- Serph: Feather
Tarafu Otani
- Shock Therapy
Bali Engel, Matthieu Landour
- SIAMÉS: The Wolf
Rudo Company
- Simbiosis Carnal
Rocio Alvarez
- Sisters
David Chontos
- Six Pickup Sticks
Christopher Purdin
- Snow White Cologne
Amanda Eliasson
- So I Danced Again…
Lottie Kingslake
- Sog
Jonatan Schwenk
- Spank Shot
Gina Kamentsky
- Sparks: Edith Piaf (Said It Better Than Me)
Joseph Wallace
- Spring Time-Old Man
Hoji Tsuchiya
- Starlight
Artful Raven Studio Collective
- Summer of Love
Marcie LaCerte
- Sunny and Gerd in Spring Cleaning
DaCosta Bayley
- Sweet Wee Hours
Ines Brini, Julien Cortey, Judith Herbeth, Lea-Caroline Larcher
- Taller de Corazones (The Heart’s Workshop)
León Fernández
- The Art of Aping
Ananya Anil
- The Battle of San Romano
Georges Schwizgebel
- The Box
Dusan Kastelic
- The Burden
Niki Lindroth von Bahr
- The Chase in the Ghost Train
Hugo Ramirez
- The Eel, the Weasel and the Vulture
- The Fruits of Clouds
Kateáina Karhánková
- The Full Story
Daisy Jacobs
- The Girl in the Yellow Dress
Danny Madden, Ornana Films
- The Green Bird
Maximilien Bougeois, Quentin Dubois, Marine Goalard, Irina Nguyen-Duc, Pierre Perveyrie
- The Indigestion
Mathilde Remy
- The Junction: Chilly Gonzales & Peaches
Patrick Doyon
- The Last Portrait
Hina Fujimoto
- The Northeast Kingdom
Alan Jennings
- The Ogre
Laurène Braibant
- The Pocket Man
Ana Chubinidze
- The Second Coming
Joan C. Gratz
- The Theory of Sunset
Roman Sokolov
- This Is Civilization
Jennifer Smart
- Tough
Jennifer Zheng
- Tour
Jasmijn Cedée
- Transplant
Meg Hunt, P. Murphy
- Transversing About
Lizeth Nino
- Travel Oregon: Relax on the Oregon Coast
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travel Oregon: Ski down Mt. Hood
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travel Oregon: Snowshoeing in Oregon
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travel Oregon: The Game
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travel Oregon: Too Much Kombucha
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travel Oregon: Whale Watching in Oregon
Hinge and Wieden + Kennedy
- Travelogue Tel Aviv
Samuel Patthey
- Turangalila
Rose Bond
- Twin Islands
Lara Cochetel, Raphaël Huot, Christine Jaudoin, Manon Sailly, Charlotte Sarfati, Fanny Teisson
- Two Trams
Svetlana Andrianova
- Ugly
Nikita Diakur
- Ultrafoot
Sam Niemann
- Video_66audasfer
Dextro.org & Asférico
- Voyagers
Gauthier Ammeux, Valentine Baillon, Benjamin Chaumény, Alexandre Dumez, Léa Finucci, Marina Roger
- Wednesday with Goddard
Nicolas Ménard
- Winston
Aram Sarkisian
- WoodSwimmer
Brett Foxwell
- XOXO hugs and kisses
Wiola Sowa
- Yin
Nicolas Fong

see this year’s film jurors